I realize I have been talking a lot about the mental process
of dealing with a job search which I believe is a huge part of the
process. Today, however, I want to talk
about the practical side. Tip #4:
be proactive. For me that means trying my best to anticipate what
might be needed in the best and worst case scenarios.
Here has been part of my preparation:
- A couple days after my job loss I attended a networking event (which was good) but I had no business cards to hand out (which was bad, and hurt a little). I went to an office supply store and bought business card paper and went home to create my own cards. It was what I could afford, and I have the skills to do a nice layout. It has my name, photo, contact info and few of my top skills listed. Now I will be prepared for the networking conference I am attending tomorrow and won’t feel so much like a fish out of water.
- I applied for a job in a company where the CEO had written a couple of books. I went to the library to find and read them to be prepared should an interview come up.
- I was lucky enough to have an old friend who teaches students at the University of Minnesota and one of his lessons is on a good resume. We sat down and did a thorough run through of the new resume I prepared and he gave me a lot of great ideas. You may not have someone with those skills in your network, but you do have a lot of friends and colleagues who could lend you a hand crafting the best resume. Tom was one of four people I had review mine.
- I am taking advantage of the State’s job search workshops and skills building opportunities. I recently went to see where I was on my computer skills (that was a confidence builder!) and I am doing online and in person trainings to try to up my talents.
Positive thoughts to all you job seekers, Susan