Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Mentor Effect by Susan Vagnoni Murphy

When the job search (or in my situation, developing a new business) has gone on for a while and you reach a plateau, it can hit you like a ton of bricks. The self-doubt and negative inner talk starts to creep in. Much like reaching a diet plateau you see your business image as out of shape and not very attractive to others.

This is not the time to hunker down, shave your head and join a monastery. This is the time to call in the cavalry.

You need a mentor.

That person can be:

  • A colleague in your field
  • A advisor from a program like SCORE
  • A former or current teacher
  • A past employer
  • A networking connection
  • A wise friend

I have been going through a particularly tough run of weeks. The money coming is insufficient, the demands on my time are totally insane, and my confidence is seriously waning. During this same time, my mid-point check in with Jeff, my mentor from WomenVenture, was scheduled. I dreaded the meeting, even though I know Jeff to be a great guy and an experienced mentor. I thought, “Oh no. Now all the terrible things I have been telling myself will be stated out loud!”

Guess what? I am not at all what I thought I was. Jeff was able to not only understand my situation, but offered concrete steps to move forward with renewed confidence. He did so in a way that illuminated the positive things I had accomplished. I am very grateful for that.

My business spirit was further lifted by a lunch meeting with Jen, a friend and entrepreneur who is building a business very similar to mine, but is farther along on that path. Her words of wisdom held the revelation that my situation has actually happened before. Who would have thought it?

So when the going got tough, I doubled up on mentors. The effect was a much needed transformation in how I value my talents and my purpose.

Pursuing your dream of meaningful work is a lonely business, but we don’t have to be in it alone. An impartial and experienced perspective may be just what you need right now. Not the kind that comes from your mother who loves you no matter what - but the kind that comes from knowledge imparted by someone who has been where you are.

My March tip: Find a good mentor and do not be afraid to call on them as needed.


  1. Excellent advise for us all Susan!!

    1. Thank you Dorothy. Sometimes you need to get out of your head and learn from someone else's perspective.
